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How to Get the Best Service and the Best Deal from Airlines, Hotels, Cruise Ships, and Car Rental Agencies. 크기: 130×200 크기
같은 책도 보유량에 따라 가격차가 있을 수 있으니 가장 저렴한 책 고르시길 바랍니다.
간단설명에 대해서 준비중입니다.
서적차례에 대해서 준비중입니다.
Renowned travel authority and NBC Today show travel editor Peter Greenberg shares his insider secrets. Americans now travel more than ever before. Yet as our traveling has increased, the service we receive from airlines, hotels, and other agencies has deteriorated dramatically. Industry surveys reveal what you already feel: growing dissatisfaction among travelers of every age, income, and education level. We've been abused by the travel experience. Peter Greenberg is here to help. The Travel Detective tells you the things most travel agents can't — or sometimes just won't — tell you. In his characteristic friendly and conversational tone, Greenberg tells how to find the secret walk-up fares that can save air travelers hundreds, if not thousands of dollars on last minutes flights; which coach seats on which planes are better than first class; the secret rule to know to avoid being bumped from a flight, which cruise ship brochures lie; which credit card companies are fastest — and slowest — to come to your aid in a foreign land, or worse, in the U.S.,; which hotels have the best — and the worst — fire and crime safety records, and how you can protect yourself; how to negotiate the best hotel room deal; which hotels have the worst water pressure in their showers (and better yet, how you can get great water pressure, even at those hotels); and much, much more. Accessible and entertaining, The Travel Detective gives you the information and tools you need to make every trip an affordable pleasure.
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정문정 가나출판사 2018년 263쪽
판매가 : 1,000원 차례 내용
EBS넘버스제작팀 민음인 2017년 272쪽
판매가 : 6,000원 차례 내용
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Paul Downsell Scholastic 2005년 141쪽
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Eric Kudalis Capstone Press 1994년 48쪽
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ETL 2006년 164쪽
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Andrew Emmerson Shire 2010년 64쪽
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