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책가위 갖춤. 하드카바. 크기: 160×235 크기
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Communication Yearbook, an annual review of current research published in cooperation with the International Communication Association, has become an indispensable resource for students and researchers in all areas of communication. This latest volume features an exciting `dialogue' format: major contributions from leading scholars in a variety of communication fields are presented and then criticized by other authorities (often representing complementary or competing schools of thought). The first section of the current volume is `Organizations: Criticism and Culture'. The contributors consider such topics as power, discourse, motives, possibilities and stories in the workplace. The second part is on `Interpersonal Conversations, Arguments, Embarrassments and Negotiations' and examines such issues as group decision-making and chronic blushing. The concluding section focuses on `Mediated Communication: Information, Industry, and Consumption' and investigates international information use, media industries and media consumers. Commentaries on each chapter give a well-rounded, balanced picture of the state of current research in these various areas of communication, providing an invaluable research tool for addressing cutting-edge topics of particular interest to communication students and scholars.
종이 대원씨아이 2019년 176쪽
판매가 : 3,000원 차례 내용
히토시 이와아키 학산문화사 1998년 210여쪽
판매가 : 15,000원 차례 내용
John White Crossover Books 1986년 183쪽
이투스교육 수학개발팀 이투스북 2023년 259,164쪽
판매가 : 1,500원 차례 내용
구깃 학산문화사 2020년 292쪽
판매가 : 6,000원 차례 내용
Brenda Laurel The MIT Press 2001년 115쪽
판매가 : 5,000원 차례 내용
Peter Golding Open University Set Book 1981년 134쪽
Philip Seib Potomac Books 2008년 227쪽
James A.Anderson (editor) SAGE 1990년 589쪽
판매가 : 10,000원 차례 내용
Donald H. Johnston Academic Press 2003년 2600쪽
판매가 : 60,000원 차례 내용
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