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판매가 7,000원
Barron's Educational Series. 아트지에 원색도화. 하드카바. 크기: 160×200 *본문 하단이 습기로 조금 울었음. 크기
같은 책도 보유량에 따라 가격차가 있을 수 있으니 가장 저렴한 책 고르시길 바랍니다.
간단설명에 대해서 준비중입니다.
서적차례에 대해서 준비중입니다.
Ever since the dawn of human history, tribes have had their shamans, who sometimes have been known as medicine men or witch doctors. This beautifully illustrated volume describes shamanism, showing its practices to be the earliest attempts to control the environment with help from spiritual forces. Shamanic ceremonies use drums & rattles to accompany dances, chants & other rituals as a way of summoning healing spirits, performing magic, seeking help, & divining the future. The Book of the Shaman points out striking similarities in shamanism of tribes in far-flung corners of the world, including Africa, India, Siberia, & the Americas. It tells how readers can use simple shamanic ceremonies today, as a way to restore their personal spiritual balance & live in harmony with the rhythms & energies of nature. Among the many features of shamanism described are-- * The Three Shamanic Worlds, the Lower, Middle, & Upper Worlds, where the shaman's spirit travels during his trances. * The Four Directions of the Medicine Wheel, & the teachings that the wheel inspires * Shamanic Ethics, including the rules of how & when to heal, & the safe use of magic * The Tools of the Shaman, including drums, rattles, ritual clothing, magic dolls, spirit houses, & more * Shamanic Rituals & Meditations for purposes of healing, tending sacred places, protecting people from harm, bringing good fortune, honoring ancestors, & more Here is a fascinating & detailed history & description of shamanism, written by an expert in the field. This beautiful book is enhanced with more than 200 photos & illustrations, all of them in full color.
임성배 스마트북스 2021년 399쪽
판매가 : 1,500원 차례 내용
캐슬린 테사로 황금가지 2007년 292,284쪽
판매가 : 6,000원 차례 내용
Jerome J. Paul Norton 1998년 1708쪽
판매가 : 10,000원 차례 내용
자크 엘루 한울 1996년 470쪽
판매가 : 5,000원 차례 내용
Fritz Schwarz Aussaat Verlag 1984년 309쪽
Bill Emmerton (1-050711-119) Book Craft Guild 1978년 191쪽
staff Reader's Digest 2001년 144쪽
판매가 : 2,000원 차례 내용
Seo Bong-Soo, Jung Dong-sik Hankuk Kiwon 2000년 351쪽
판매가 : 7,000원 차례 내용
Martin Toseland. Simon Toseland Quercus Publishing 2013년 208쪽
판매가 : 4,000원 차례 내용
Cynthia Nappa Bitter(1-050122-002) Hopelines 1998년 293쪽
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