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판매가 20,000원
중급. 영문서적. 표지 낡고 책등에 테이핑. 원색도판. 하드카바. 크기: 300×375
같은 책도 보유량에 따라 가격차가 있을 수 있으니 가장 저렴한 책 고르시길 바랍니다.
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Diesel is a brand known worldwide for its creative, groundbreaking fashion and marketing.To celebrate the 50th birthday of its president founder Renzo Rosso, we are proud to present Fifty a book that sums up and displays the unique Diesel attitude and lifestyle reflected in its collections, its business approach and its creativity applied to virtually anything, from communication to interior design. For the first time, the story of a company whose success has been built and thrives on creativity is offered in one publication.Fifty is made up of five chapters that convey the Diesel lifestyle and philosophy in an unconventional way. The books first chapter features an insightful portrait of company visionary Renzo Rosso, followed by a second dedicated to the key moments in Diesels history, from its jeans & workwear beginnings to its current premium positioning. The third chapter presents the brands innovative communication and retail approach while the fourth focuses on the companys long-lasting support of young creative talent worldwide. A concluding chapter presenting Diesels views of the future rounds out the book. Each section ends with a face-to-face interview between Rosso and a prestigious (or, in pure Diesel style, simply unconventional) personality, including the Dalai Lama, i-D magazine founder Terry Jones, Alexander McQueen and a few, well kept, secrets.The combination of its rich graphic visuals and innovative design a joint effort of Diesels internal creative team and Spanish creative collective Vasava with texts written by Renzo Rosso and international guest authors and compiled by English writer Mark Tungate make Fifty an inspiring portrait of one of the most inventive and successful companies in the fashion industry the world over. The book itself is a real heavyweight featuring a large hardcover format, impressive double gatefolds and an enclosed DVD a true collectors object.Contributors: Dalai Lama, Vivienne Westwood, Paul Smith, Alexander McQueen, Martin Margiela, Bono Vox, Vincent Gallo, Naomi Cambell , Terry Jones, Kevin Roberts, Peter Saville, Dazed & Confused, Style & The Family Tunes, Vanidad, Vogue.
편집부 아사히야슈판 2016년 263쪽
판매가 : 20,000원 차례 내용
Robert Klanten 엮음 Die Gestalten Verlag 2011년 255쪽
판매가 : 12,000원 차례 내용
서민 다밋 2005년 310쪽
판매가 : 1,500원 차례 내용
해커스어학연구소 해커스어학연구소 2022년 342쪽
판매가 : 6,000원 차례 내용
프란시스 쉐퍼 생명의말씀사 2020년 413쪽
판매가 : 13,000원 차례 내용
Hindustan Times Hindustan Times 2000년 198쪽
한국고전번역원 2009년 491쪽
판매가 : 10,000원 차례 내용
편찬위원회 대한방직주식회사 1997년 초판 675쪽
한국청년회의소 1979년 406쪽
판매가 : 5,000원 차례 내용
남강문화재단 2004년 159쪽
판매가 : 3,000원 차례 내용
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